Auditing your video content probably doesn’t sound like the most fun or exciting task, but it’s work that can help you and your marketing team reap amazing rewards. Chances are your video content could be working harder for you and performing an audit is your path to maximizing your content’s potential and realizing your marketing goals.
Here are 4 reasons why auditing your video content is such an important step in your marketing strategy:
1) Expose Weak Content Harming Your Brand
Somewhere along the line, you decided video marketing made sense for your brand and set out to produce some content - either with the help of a video partner or in-house production. You invested time and money into the project. And now that those videos are out in the world, perhaps they aren’t doing all you’d hoped they would. This can lead to frustration and leave you wondering what went wrong. Performing an audit gives you a well-rounded understanding of just how well (or poorly) your video content is performing, and it helps you pinpoint the why behind the performance. Video content is king, but when it’s of poor quality, aimed at the wrong audience, lacks a clear call to action, causes confusion, is outdated, or off-brand it can do more harm than good. Through your audit, you’ll collect data and critically evaluate each content piece allowing you to truly see its impact on your brand. And when you find content that’s not benefiting you, an audit will help you determine what to do next with the video.
2) Uncover Strong Content That Could Be Working Harder
Before you set out to make video content you most likely did a lot of thinking and strategizing on what types of video you wanted and needed. This leg work allowed you to make some great, high quality pieces with clear focuses, mapped out goals, and targeted audiences. When you run your audit, you’ll be able to see how these stellar pieces are performing and make plans for utilizing them even more to greater benefit to your brand. You most likely have some diamonds hidden among your video content right now that, with a little polishing, could really sparkle for your brand. An example of this is a brand who has created a brand film, but engagement with it is lower than expected or wanted. The brand might assume that means the video itself isn’t as good as it could be or needs tweaking/re-working. But in actuality, the piece itself might be amazing but in need of some distribution help in order to continually get it in front of the right audience. Your audit can help uncover these hidden gems and breathe new life into them.
3) Identify Gaps & Areas of Opportunity
As you run your audit, you’ll start with getting very clear on your goals and intentions with video marketing. Every brand has a different set of goals and pain points they’re hoping to tackle with video content. You could be looking to drive more leads through your funnel, win more customers and increase sales, retarget customers, present at events or gain funding, build trust with your potential customers when they visit your site, or raise awareness of your brand or its products and services. Different video types align with different goals at different points in your marketing and sales funnel. One of the best strategies is to ensure you’ve got video content (and often multiple pieces) addressing each goal of your strategy and at each stage (top, middle, bottom) of your funnel. The same videos you create and use to raise awareness at the top of the funnel most likely won’t be the same videos you’ll use to drive conversions and increase revenue at the bottom of the funnel. Your audit will help you identify which stages of your funnel are currently being enhanced by video and which stages might be lacking in content. By highlighting these areas of opportunity, your audit will highlight where to focus your video content energy next.
4) Become Empowered to Create New, Goal-Aligned Content
While running a video marketing audit might not be the most glamorous task, it’s crucial because it helps you collect and review real-time data. And data is a powerful tool. Data is what any solid strategy is built upon. And the information you’ll collect and then analyze during your audit is what will give you the confidence to build out your future video marketing strategies knowing they are targeting exactly the right type of content to take your brand to the next level. No more guesswork or spending time and money on content that doesn’t move the needle. After your audit, you’ll be empowered and excited to create new content for your brand that’s fresh and aligned with your most important goals.
Here at Talus Films, we believe in the power of well-crafted marketing videos and strive to make sure all brands are maximizing their video content’s potential in all the ways they can. To that end, we've created a 5-step guide Video Marketing Audit Guide designed to identify your video goals, uncover what’s working with your video content, what parts could be working better, and leave you with tools and resources you need to continue evaluating your videos in the future on your own. To download, click below:
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